Laser Epiglottectomy: Endoscopic Technique and Indications

Endoscopic epiglottectomy (epiglottidectomy) may be performed with relative ease and minimal morbidity by using standard microlaryngoscopy techniques and the CO2 laser. Depending on the indications, the removal may be partial or complete. Indications for 51 epiglottectomies included treatment of supraglottic airway obstruction— 30 cases; discovery of benign or malignant neoplasm (diagnosis and staging)—20 cases; treatment of malignant neoplasm—7 cases; glottic visualization—4 cases; and treatment of chronic inflammatory conditions—1 case. It is not unusual for a patient to have more than one indication for this procedure. Some epiglottic cancers invade the pre‐epiglottic space. This crucial information may not be detectable by MRI or CT scanning techniques. Laser epiglottectomy provides a method to explore and perform a biopsy of the pre‐epiglottic space and thereby stage these lesions accurately. There are no significant problems with postoperative alimentation, airway, or voice. Any form of primary or adjuvant therapy can be started without delay.