Observation of aΣ4HeBound State in theH4e(K,π)Reaction at600MeV/c

We have observed a clear peak below the Σ+-production threshold in the 4He(K,π) reaction at 600MeV/c and θKπ=4. This is confirmation of the existence of the bound state of Σ4He, which was reported in the 4He(stoppedK,π) reaction. As in the case of stopped kaons, no such peak was found in the 4He(K,π+) spectrum. Quantitatively reliable parameters for this level have been established. The binding energy and the width of the bound state are 4.4±0.3(stat)±1(syst) MeV and 7.0±0.7(stat)0.0+1.2(syst) MeV, respectively.