Selective Cerebral Hematocrit Decrease in the Centrum Semiovale after Carotid Artery Occlusion: A PET Study

The centrum semiovale may be susceptible to hypoperfusion as a result of carotid artery occlusion. Recent studies suggest that the cerebral hematocrit decreases with diminished cerebral perfusion pressure. To investigate whether the effect of carotid artery occlusion on the hematocrit in the centrum semiovale is different from that in the cerebral cortex, seven patients with unilateral carotid artery occlusion were studied with positron emission tomography. The distributions of the red blood cell and plasma volumes were assessed using carbon monoxide labeled with oxygen 15 and human serum albumin-dithiosemicarbazone tracers labeled with copper 62, respectively. The CBF and CMRO2 were also measured with the 15O steady-state technique. The calculated values for the hematocrit in the centrum semiovale ipsilateral to the arterial occlusion were significantly decreased compared with those in any of the other regions examined (the overlying cortical region and the contralateral cortex and centrum semiovale). This decrease in hematocrit, which resulted from a more pronounced increase in plasma volume than in red blood cell volume, was associated with a decrease in CBF and an increase in the oxygen extraction fraction. Hemodynamic disturbance caused by carotid artery occlusion may induce selective decrease of hematocrit limited to the centrum semiovale.