Magneto-optical and magnetization studies in the rare-earth orthochromites. VI. NdCrO3

Single crystals of NdCrO3 were studied by means of bulk magnetization, susceptibility, and optical-absorption spectroscopy measurements. This compound orders at TN=214 °K in a Γ2(Fx) canted antiferromagnetic spin structure which persisits down to TR=35°K. At TR a first-order Morin-type phase transition occurs and, down to below 4.2°K, the spins are in the antiferromagnetic Γ1(0) mode. The temperature dependence of the spontaneous magnetization above TR is significantly different from that of other rare-earth orthochromites and is reminiscent of that found in some ferrimagnetic materials. Using a single-ion model in the molecular-field approximation, it is shown that this behavior is due to magnetization contributions from the two lowest Kramers's doublets of the Nd3+ ground multiplet. The calculated Stark splitting is 97±15°K, in excellent agreement with the absorption spectroscopy measurements. Above TR, the ground-doublet splitting is essentially due to the Nd-Cr interaction, while below TR the additional polarization due to Nd-Nd coupling becomes significant.