Atomic ordering and magnetic properties in Nd57Fe20B8Co5Al10 solids

Nd57Fe20B8Co5Al10 bulk cylinders and ribbons were quenched from the melt at different cooling rates using copper mold casting and melt spinning, respectively. Both the melt-spun ribbons and the cast cylinders display x-ray diffraction patterns without obvious crystalline peaks. However, the ribbons show soft magnetic properties, the cylinders are hard magnetic, and the crystallized alloys are not ferromagnetic at all. On the other hand, the cylinders show different exothermic transformation behavior than the ribbons upon heating to elevated temperatures. While the ribbons are regarded as amorphous, the structure of the cylinders prepared at slower cooling rate is considered to consist of metastable ordered clusters. This structure forms in the undercooled melt most likely due to intensive generation of ordered nuclei and slow growth kinetics. The magnetic coherence length, which is equivalent to the dimension of the ordered clusters, may be larger than the exchange length. Therefore, the cylinders shows much larger coercivity than the ribbons.