This 1998 workshop was convened to address the health risks of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) in the workplace. It was paired with a 1997 workshop on issues related to ETS exposure in work environments ((italic)1(/italic)). In the 1998 workshop, a multidisciplinary group of participants was charged with reviewing evidence on the quantitative risks to health posed by ETS and to discuss development of risk assessment methodology for the future. The overall charges for the present workshop were to consider various health outcomes and make recommendations regarding those health outcomes to be included in assessment of health risk resulting from ETS in the workplace; to consider available studies addressing these health outcomes and to evaluate the validity of data for estimating risk from occupational ETS exposure; to review and evaluate mathematical models useful for estimating the risk due to ETS exposure; to examine dose-response models and to characterize the models regarding validity and uncertainty in estimating health risk attributable to ETS exposure in the workplace.