Vestibular responses and branching of interstitiospinal neurons

1. Interstitiospinal neurons were activated by antidromic stimulation of the ventromedial funiculus of the spinal cord at C1 and C4 in cerebellectomized cats under chloralose anesthesia. 46% of these neurons responded only at C1 (N cells) and the remaining 54% responded at C4 also (D cells). There is no topographical difference in the location of N and D cells. Conduction velocities of N cells were significantly slower than those of D cells. 2. Stimulation of the contralateral whole vestibular nerve evoked firing of 31% of both N and D cells; some responded early enough to suggest disynaptic connections, many responded late. Stimulation of the ipsilateral whole vestibular nerve evoked firing of several cells, one spontaneously discharging D cell was inhibited. 3. Stimulation of the contralateral individual semicircular canal nerves evoked firing of 33% of N cells and 13% of D cells. Most of these responses were late. N cells responded not only to the vertical canals but also to the horizontal canal, whereas D cells responded to the horizontal canal, but seldom to the vertical ones. Most canal responding neurons received specific input, only two N cells received convergent input from both the anterior and horizontal canals. Stimulation of the ipsilateral canals did not evoke excitation of any cells tested; one D cell was inhibited by stimulation of the horizontal canal nerve. 4. Stimulation of the rostral medial vestibular nucleus evoked characteristic negative field potentials centered in the contralateral interstitial nucleus of Cajal (INC). Approximately 60% of both N and D cells received excitation from the contralateral vestibular nuclei. About 17% of these responding neurons received monosynaptic excitation, most frequently from the rostral medial nucleus. Stimulation of the ipsilateral vestibular nuclei evoked firing of 12% of both N and D cells. 5. Twenty-nine neurons were fired antidromically by weak stimuli applied to the ipsilateral vestibular nuclei. Twenty-seven of the 29 were activated only from C1 and were found in the INC (10 cells) and in the reticular formation dorsal to the INC (19 cells). Measurement of the spread of the effect of stimulus current and comparison of latencies to stimulation of the vestibular nuclei and C1 indicated that these neurons have axon collaterals going to the ipsilateral vestibular nuclei. Only one of them received excitation from the contralateral posterior canal, others did not respond to the labyrinth. Some were activated by stimulation of the vestibular nuclei.