Crosstalk between integrins and growth factor receptors are an important signaling mechanism to provide specificity during normal development and pathological processes in vascular biology. Evidence from several model systems demonstrates the physiological importance of the coordination of signals from growth factors and the extracellular matrix to support cell proliferation, migration, and invasion in vivo. Several examples of crosstalk between these two important classes of receptors indicate that integrin ligation is required for growth factor–induced biological processes. Furthermore, integrins can directly associate with growth factor receptors, thereby regulating the capacity of integrin/growth factor receptor complexes to propagate downstream signaling. Recent data suggest that antagonists of αvintegrins can provide a therapeutic benefit in human cancer patients, whereas knockout mice lacking specific integrins can provide an interesting insight into the role of integrins during development. This review will focus on the biological importance of integrin and growth factor receptor crosstalk that occurs during cell growth, migration, and invasion as well as in endothelial cells during angiogenesis.