The assembly of type I collagen molecules into native fibrils can be accomplished in vitro in solutions at physiological ionic strength and pH by raising the temperature above 30 degrees C. The thermal self-assembly reaction exhibits a distinct lag phase. This lag phase has been proposed to be evidence for a conformational transition in the monomer. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIRS) is a very sensitive probe of the H-bonded states within the triple helix. The carbonyl group spectrum (amide I, 1700-1600 cm-1) has been investigated in collagen/H2O solutions at 1 mg/mL under self-assembly conditions from 4 to 34 degrees C and, in the same range, at a higher ionic strength where self-assembly does not occur. The deconvoluted spectra show three very clear bands at approximately 1660, 1644, and 1630 cm-1. These bands vary in both frequency maxima and relative intensity over the temperature range examined. Spectra were also obtained in the amide II and III regions. Spectral changes were evident in the 22-26 degrees C range, under fibril-forming conditions, which lead to the hypothesis that the triple helix of the semiflexible collagen molecule is actually perfected during the lag phase, facilitating nucleation and intermolecular interaction. Further spectral changes after fibrils do form show that the molecules are once again distorted as they are bent to fit within the fibrils.

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