Group-theoretical normal-mode analysis of the antifluorite A2BX6 structure in space group P4mnc (D4h6) identifies two effective modes with Eg symmetry. Either mode may condense independently of the other at the phase transition to space group P21n (C2h5). One mode produces a displacement of the A+ ions, the other a rotation of the BX62 octahedra. Lattice distortion thereby results from the coupling between order parameter (Q) and elastic strain (e). Linear and quadratic symmetry invariant coupling in terms of free energy results in e13Q and, independently, e22e11 Q2. The linear coupling produces a discontinuous change in soft-mode frequency at Tc, whereas the change in specific heat is caused primarily by the quadratic coupling. Measurements on K2TeBr6 reveal that one Eg mode condenses at the second-order phase transition to P21n at 400 K and follows a Landau critical power law with e13 (400KT)12, leaving e22e11=0 for 359<T<400 K. The symmetry-conserving softening of the octahedral rotation Eg mode takes place at 359 K, with e22e11 (359KT). The incompatible symmetry of the Eg and the A1g mode derived from the higher-temperature Fm3m (Oh5) to P4mnc phase transition results in a sharp change in the tetragonal ca dimension at the tetragonal-to-monoclinic transition as further octahedral rotation becomes blocked. Evidence for the two Eg-mode displacement fields is found in the literature for all elpasolite A2BBX6 and cryolite A3BX6 structures determined in space group P21n. Formation of an additional phase by the antifluorites K2SeBr6 and K2SnCl6 in space group C2c (C2h6) on cooling from P4mnc to P21n results from two octahedral rotations due to the Eg-mode basis vectors having order parameters of equal magnitude. The orthorhombic pseudosymmetry in C2c is caused only by the e12 strain component. The coupling found in K2TeBr6 is shown to apply generally to related structure types.

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