Antiferroelectric alignment and mechanical director rotation in a hydrogen-bonded chiral SmC*Aelastomer

A new type of chiral smectic elastomer based on poly[4-(6-acryloyloxyhexyloxy)benzoic acid] is discussed. The layer structure and the molecular tilt stabilized by hydrogen bonding between side groups are identified by X-ray measurements. Well aligned and optically clear monodomain samples with smectic layers in the film plane are obtained by uniaxial stretching and then frozen-in by additional gamma-radiation crosslinking. In this monodomain state, two opposite orientations of director tilt are distributed through the sample thickness and alternate between neighbouring layers in a zigzag fashion. This structure of the stress-aligned chiral smectic C elastomer is similar to that of antiferroelectric liquid crystals of the smectic C* A type. Further mechanical stretching in the layer plane induces a gradual c-director reorientation along the new stress axis, when a threshold deformation ~ 20% is exceeded. The (reversible) transition proceeds as a director azimuthal rotation around the smectic C cone, with the layers essentially undistorted and the tilt angle of the side mesogenic groups preserved.