Nadolol: A New β-Adrenoceptor Antagonist

NADOLOL (Corgard) is a β-adrenoceptor antagonist that was released late in 1979 for clinical use in the United States (Fig. 1). It is the third oral systemic β-blocker to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of hypertension, and the second to be approved for angina pectoris. Before the introduction of nadolol, propranolol was available for the treatment of systemic hypertension, angina pectoris, and adrenergically induced cardiac arrhythmias. Metoprolol, a β1-selective adrenergic blocker, was approved only for the treatment of hypertension. Nadolol, like propranolol, is a nonselective β-adrenergic blocker. However, it is distinguished from . . .