Introduction of genes for leucine biosynthesis from Clostridium pasteurianum into C. acetobutylicum by cointegrate conjugal transfer

Summary A Clostridium pasteurianum gene bank was constructed in Escherichia coli, using plasmid pAT153, and several chromosomal fragments found which complemented both leuB and leuC mutations in auxotrophic E. coli K12 strains. No fragments capable of complementing leuA or leuD mutations were identified. Conjugal transfer of the LeuB/leuC genes from Bacillus subtilis into two different Leu- C. acetobutylicum auxotrophic strains was elicited by their incorporation into a large plasmid cointegrate composed of the conjugal plasmid pAMβ1 and a specially constructed gram-positive, replication-deficient plasmid, pMTL21 EC. Inheritance of the cointegrate plasmid restored one of the auxotrophic C. acetobutylicum strains to prototrophy. The second strain remained Leu-.