Spectral hole burning and holography in an Y2SiO5:Pr3+ crystal

Holographic detection of spectral holes is demonstrated in a crystalline host material with signal-to-noise ratios of up to 104. Hole burning occurs in two Pr3+ sites in the Y2 SiO5 lattice, in both cases due to population redistribution between the ground-state quadrupole levels. The signal contains contributions due to a resonant hole and several side holes and antiholes, a phenomenon not previously observed using the holographic technique. The diffracted spectrum is modeled in two ways. In the first case the transmission spectrum is used to determine the population gratings and thus the diffraction efficiency. In the second case the transition probabilities between ground- and excited-state Kramer’s doublets are used to model the population gratings. The technique is applied to pseudo-Stark-effect measurements from which the crystallographic sites as determined by x-ray analysis are matched to the spectroscopic data presented here. The time decay of the diffracted signal is used to study nuclear spin-lattice relaxation. It is shown that at 1.6 K temperature-dependent phonon-induced processes make no contribution to this decay. The nonexponential time decay of the population upon radio-frequency irradiation resonant with a ground-state quadrupole splitting is attributed to Pr-Pr cross relaxation.