Some Non-Marine Lamellibranchs from the Upper Part of the Coal Measures

The present paper deals with those non-marine shells which occur in the upper part of the Coal Measures: namely, in the Phillipsi and Tenuis Zones and in the higher portion of the Pulchra Zone. Those studies of the non-marine Lamellibranchs of the Coal Measures which have recently been published, have been directed chiefly to shells from the lower portion of the Coal Measures (Davies & Trueman, 1927; Wright, 1929; Clift & Trueman, 1929; and Hopkins, 1928, 1929). The shells which occur in the upper portion of the Coal Measures are mostly species of the genus Anthracomya, which have hitherto afforded evidence for no more than a broad classification of those measures; in the following pages we have attempted to define with greater precision the characters and ranges of these species. These investigations have been carried out with the assistance of grants from the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, and we are particularly grateful for the generous way in which the Council of that Department has supported the work. One of us (A. E. T.) also wishes to acknowledge a grant from the Royal Society, which has defrayed certain expenses incurred during the early stages of the investigation. Most of the material described in the paper we have ourselves collected, and we wish to express our indebtedness to mine-owners and others for the cordiality with which we have been assisted in the various coalfields where collecting has been done. We have also had the advantage, through the kindness of Dr.