The common precursor to arginine vasopressin (AVP) and neurophysin II (NpII) was synthesized in a reticulocyte lysate system directed by bovine hypothalamic poly(A)-rich RNA. The precursor, identified with antibodies raised against NPII and AVP, has an apparent MW of 21,000 (21 k). The specificity of the immune reaction was shown by competition experiments using excess amounts of a variety of unlabeled peptides. With anti Np II, but not with anti AVP, a 2nd neurophysin precursor with an apparent MW of 18,000 (18 k) was identified. Comparison of the tryptic maps obtained from the 21 k and 18 k precursors shows that both products give rise to the 4 [35S]cysteine-labeled NPII-peptide fragments; only the 21 k yields an AVP-like tryptic peptide, identified with antibodies raised against AVP. The possible implications of the 2 precursors, one consisting of AVP and Np II, the other of Np II only, are discussed.

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