The resectional reoperation rate for Crohn's disease in a general community hospital

The severity of Crohns''s disease has not been objectively estimated for patients treated at community hospitals. During an 11-yr period, 105 patients underwent initial intestinal resection for Crohn''s disease at a large community hospital. Follow-up data were actuarially analyzed. The overall resectional reoperation rate was 4.0%/yr for the first 7 yr after initial resection and 1.9%/yr for the next 10 yr. Patients with small-bowel disease had a better prognosis than did patients with ileocolic disease. Patients who were < 30 yr old at initial resection needed a 2nd resection more often than did older patients. The 81 patients with initial resection after 1970 have had the lowest resectional reoperation rate yet reported: 2.8%/yr for 10 yr. The resectional reoperation rate for patients with Crohn''s disease treated at this community hospital compares favorably with reoperation rates reported for patients at referral centers.