NGC 1333 IRAS 4: Further Multiplicity Revealed with the CSO-JCMT Interferometer

Single-dish submillimeter continuum observations showed that IRAS 4 in the NGC 1333 region of the L1450 molecular cloud is a 30'' separation binary protostellar system. The components are designated as 4A and 4B, and are believed to be very young and deeply embedded. Our observations with the CSO-JCMT Interferometer at λ = 0.84 mm show that components 4A and 4B are both multiple systems; the visibility curve for IRAS 4A is well fitted by a 18 binary whose components are consistent in size and flux with dusty accretion disks. IRAS 4B appears to show even higher multiplicity, since it is not fitted well by either single or binary models. We conclude that IRAS 4 is a hierarchical quadruple, or higher order, embedded protostellar system.