The occurrence of abscesses in the pons is, like that in the medulla and spinal cord, rare when compared with the incidence of abscesses elsewhere in the central nervous system.1Thus, Gowers2found among 231 cases of brain abscess only three in the pons, and, according to Cassirer, LeFort and Lehmann3found only six cases among 458. Among the forty-five cases of brain abscess in a series of 7,349 necropsies at the Cook County Hospital4from Jan. 1, 1929, to July 1, 1935, only two were in the pons. The distribution of the forty-five cases is given in table 1. The etiology of the types present is distinguished in table 2. The vascular supply and location of the pons probably explain its relative immunity to abscess formation. Since emboli usually enter the brain by way of the carotid arteries, metastatic abscesses can only seldom reach the