Quantum Statistics of Three Interacting Boson Field Modes

The quantum theory of the stimulated Raman and Brillouin effects, the parametric amplifier, and the frequency converter is developed, starting with a simple Hamiltonian for a system of three coupled field modes. The intense incident beam is treated classically. The evolution in time of the statistical properties of the quantized Stokes and anti-Stokes waves are analyzed by means of appropriate time-dependent phasespace distributions under various assumptions for the initial fields. Expansions of the field variables in terms of complete sets of orthogonal operators are discussed. Several regimes of operation are considered. It is shown that an initially coherent state develops, in general, into a superposition of a coherent state and a chaotic state. The amplitudes of the coherent components follow the same equations of motion as the mode operators. The chaotic components stem from the amplification of the vacuum fluctuations.

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