839 patients were patch tested with a series of 31 plastics and glues allergens at a dermatologic clinic over a period of 7 years. 52 (6%) had a positive patch test reaction to 1 or more such allergens. Clinic charts of 47 patients (out of 52) were available for the study. All but 3 patients had dermatitis on their hands: 17 had only hand dermatitis. 25 (53%) patients' test results were of present or past relevance to their skin diseases. 11 patients (68%) with occupational allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) and 14 (45%) with non-occupational dermatitis had relevant reactions. p-tertiary-butylphenol-formaldehyde resin was the most common allergen (9 cases). 7 patients reacted to diaminodiphenylmethane. 5 patients, who had colophony allergy, reacted to abietic acid and 4 to abitol. There was no reaction to 14 test substances. Special series, such as this plastics and glues series, reveal the cause of ACD less frequently than standard series. However, there is no other way to confirm allergy to these usually industrial allergens, which can also sensitize through non-occupational exposure during hobby working or through unpolymerized monomer left in the finished plastic product.