Tone-Evoked Excitatory and Inhibitory Synaptic Conductances of Primary Auditory Cortex Neurons

In primary auditory cortex (AI) neurons, tones typically evoke a brief depolarization, which can lead to spiking, followed by a long-lasting hyperpolarization. The extent to which the hyperpolarization is due to synaptic inhibition has remained unclear. Here we report in vivo whole cell voltage-clamp measurements of tone-evoked excitatory and inhibitory synaptic conductances of AI neurons of the pentobarbital-anesthetized rat. Tones evoke an increase of excitatory synaptic conductance, followed by an increase of inhibitory synaptic conductance. The synaptic conductances can account for the gross time course of the typical membrane potential response. Synaptic excitation and inhibition have the same frequency tuning. As tone intensity increases, the amplitudes of synaptic excitation and inhibition increase, and the latency of synaptic excitation decreases. Our data indicate that the interaction of synaptic excitation and inhibition shapes the time course and frequency tuning of the spike responses of AI neurons.