Sequence of Guinea Pig Myelin Basic Protein

This paper proposes a tentative amino acid sequence of guinea pig myelin basic protein obtained by comparison of peptide fragments of the guinea pig and bovine proteins. Analyses of the tryptic peptides confirmed the known sequence differences in the NH2‐terminal half of the molecule and showed that in the COOH‐terminal half of the guinea pig protein Ser131 was missing, Ala136‐His137 was deleted, Leu140 was replaced by the, and an extra Ala was inserted somewhere within sequence 142–151 (tryptic peptide T23). Sequence determination of guinea pig tryptic peptides corresponding to residues 130–134 (T20), 135–138 (T21), and 142–151 (T23) of the bovine protein confirmed the above sequence changes and placed the extra Ala between Gly142 and His143. The sequence of the region corresponding to bovine residues 130–143 is thus Ala‐Asp‐Tyr‐Lys‐Ser‐Lys‐Gly‐Phe‐Lys‐Gly‐Ala‐His. No species differences were observed in the amino acid compositions of the remaining tryptic peptides obtained from the COOH‐terminal half of the molecule. Based upon these results, the guinea pig basic protein contains 167 amino acid residues and has a molecular weight of 18,256.