A generalized stretching model for the description of the ground band levels in even-even nuclei is developed under the provision that the higher-order cranking corrections and Coriolis-antipairing effects, as well as the corrections due to quadrupole centrifugal stretching, are all effectively included in the stretching term expressible in terms of a "generalized stretching variable" t. A basic set of equations is derived by writing the nuclear moment of inertia I as a function of t as I0f(t). It is shown that practically all the successful two- and three-parameter models advanced during the past few years can be obtained from this basic set of equations through appropriate choices for f(t). For example, a linear cutoff in the Taylor's expansion for f(t) gives the equations of the variable moment-of-inertia model. The interrelationships, and the correspondence of respective parameters, in various models are established. Further, it is shown that, for models in which f(t) is also an explicit function of the nuclear spin I, the effective moment of inertia for excited states is renormalized from the value I0f(t) by an additional spin-dependent term.