The Role of Chloroplast‐Membrane‐Protein Synthesis in the Circadian Clock

A polypeptide (polypeptide P39), which is presumed to be involved in the photosynthetic circadian rhythm in the green alga Acetabularia, was purified from the EDTA-insoluble chloroplast membrane fraction by means of preparative dodecylsulfate gel electrophoresis and then partially characterized. The purity of the isolated polypeptide P39 was confirmed by a further electrophoresis on an analytical dodecylsulfate gel and further elucidated by amino-terminal analysis which shows that glycine is the only amino-terminal amino acid of the purified polypeptide material. The MW of the polypeptide P39 was about 39,000 on analytical gel electrophoresis and the value was further supported by those obtained from amino acid composition and peptide mapping. The amino acid composition of polypeptide P39 showed that the proportion of intermediate amino acid groups is high while the proportion of hydrophilic amino acid groups is well balanced by that of hydrophobic amino acid groups, a property characteristic of membrane proteins.