Relationship of plasma total protein and albumin to total calcium in peregrine falcons(Falco peregrinus)

A significant correlation was found between total calcium and total protein concentration in 124 plasma samples of captive peregrine falcons (r = 0.65; P<0.01). About 42% of the variability in calcium was attributable to the change in the plasma total protein concentration (R2 = 0.417). The correlation between calcium and albumin was significant (r = 0.33; P<0.01), but significantly smaller than the correlation between calcium and total protein (P<0.01). Only 11% of the plasma calcium concentration was attributable to difference in concentration of albumin (R2 = 0.108). An adjustment formula for plasma calcium concentration in the peregrine falcon was derived on the basis of the total protein concentration: Adj.Ca (mmol/1) = Ca (mmol/1) -0.02 Total protein (g/1) + 0.67.