Effectiveness of Insecticides Against the Corn Earworm in Sorghum Heads1

Of 12 chemicals tested against the corn earworm, Heliothis zea (Boddie), in sorghum heads, carbaryl, DDT, mevinphos, Telodrin (l,3,4,5,6,7,8,8-octachloro-l,3,3a,4,7,7a-hexahydro-4,7-methanoisobenzofuran), and naled gave the best control. The addition of pyrethrum to DDT emulsion spray did not increase the effectiveness of this insecticide. When comparable dosages and gallon-ages of the same insecticides were applied, control was usually better against the smaller larvae. A residue test with carbaryl showed residues well within the accepted tolerance on grain and forage.

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