The cold neutron time of flight technique has been used to study the diffusive motions of hydrogen in the beta -phase of palladium hydride. The quasielastic scattering was measured at 20 degrees C, 100 degrees C, 150 degrees C and 200 degrees C. The data were found to be well predicted by Lorentzians broadened by the appropriate resolution function. In contrast to the results obtained by Skold and Nelin in the alpha -phase, the dependence of the broadening on momentum transfer was not as predicted by the Chudley-Elliot model for jumps between octahedral sites. It was, however, well fitted by a modal which included the possibility of jumps between octahedral and tetrahedral interstitial sites as well as octahedral ones. The resultant diffusion coefficients were described by the expression D=1.1*10-3 exp (-3380/RT) cm2 s-1.