We present the 5-year combined effects of different cutting intensities (removal of 0, 35, 50, 65, and 100% of basal area) and scarification on available light, soil temperature, and regeneration dynamics in a mixed aspen– conifer stand in Quebec, Canada. Compared with the control, the 35% cut did not change transmitted light to the under story (2 m high). Balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.) responded well to canopy opening alone with a maximal recruitment (31 000 seedlings/ha) in the 50% cut. Spruces (white spruce, Picea glauca (Moench) Voss, and red spruce, Picea rubens Sarg.) establish following scarification only, with a better response in the 65% cut (32 000 seedlings/ha) than in the 50 (15 000), 35 (10 000), and 0% (8000) cuttings.