Serum Phosphorus and Potassium Levels after Intravenous Administration of Glucose

IT is well known that the concentration of inorganic phosphorus of the blood serum of normal dogs1 2 3 and men4 5 6 7 8 9 falls after the ingestion or infusion of glucose. In diabetes mellitus this drop is less marked and often prolonged, and at times there is no fall.9 , 10 This has been ascribed to decreased peripheral utilization of glucose due either to pancreatic insufficiency or to insulin antagonists.9 Early studies also showed that in normal and diabetic persons insulin enhances the reduction in serum inorganic phosphorus.4 , 5 , 8 , 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Pollack et al.3 demonstrated marked participation of phosphate in the utilization of glucose in the hind limb of . . .