Comparison of BACTEC 13A medium and Du Pont isolator for detection of mycobacteremia

BACTEC 13A medium (Johnston Laboratories, Towson, Md.) was compared with Isolator (Du Pont Co., Wilmington, Del.) concentrate for sensitivity, speed, and technical ease of isolation of mycobacteria from paired patient blood samples. Of 72 positive cultures, 63 were positive by both systems. Five positive cultures were detected by BACTEC 13A medium alone, and four were detected by Isolator alone. The median numbers of days to positivity were 12 for BACTEC 13A medium and 14 for Isolator concentrate. BACTEC 13A medium has an advantage over the Isolator in requiring less laboratory manipulation of the specimen but has the disadvantages of not providing isolated colonies or quantitation of organisms. Some technical problems with contamination in both systems are also discussed.