Low-lying collective states inBa124132in the framework of the general collective model

The general collective (or Frankfurt) model (GCM) is applied to the barium isotopes with A=124–132. A good description of the experimental level schemes is obtained and in particular, the staggering effect in the quasi-γ bands of these nuclei is reproduced. The description of the E2 transition strengths is also satisfactory but the deviations observed for specific weak transitions indicate some crudeness in the present quadrupole operator of the model. The comparison of the derived potential energy surfaces (PES) with microscopic nuclear shape calculations shows an overall reasonable agreement. The description of the spectroscopic properties is compared to the results obtained in the framework of other collective models used in the A≊130 mass region. The structure of the GCM wave functions is investigated and correspondences with the quantum numbers of the interacting boson approximation (IBA) wave functions are considered.