Occurrence of bacterivory in Cryptomonas, a common freshwater phytoplankter

Bacterivory was detected by incorporation of 0.57 μm diameter, fluorescent polystyrene beads and fluorescently labeled bacteria (FLB) in two cultured species of Cryptomonas (C. ovata and C. erosa), and a population of Cryptomonas sp in a humic, mesotrophic lake. Rates of ingestion and clearance were very low, and similar for the cultures and the in situ population. The in situ population incorporated 0.7–1.7 bacteria cell-1 h-1, thereby ingesting 0.3%–2.0% of the total bacterial numbers present in the water per day, and receiving less than 2% of its carbon content per day through bacterivory. Thus, bacterivory by Cryptomonas was quantitatively important neither as a sink for bacterial biomass, nor as a carbon source for the algal cells. Possibly, it served in the uptake of essential nutrients.