HERV‐K(HML‐2) GAG/ENV antibodies as indicator for therapy effect in patients with germ cell tumors

Germ cell tumors (GCT) are strictly associated with the expression of HERV‐K(HML‐2) proviruses, and the majority of GCT patients produce antibodies to structural proteins of these proviruses. The objective of our study was to determine the significance of the serological response to HERV‐K(HML‐2) Gag and Env proteins for diagnosis, management of GCT patients and estimation of the therapy success. The data document a strong association of HERV‐K(HML‐2) antibodies and the clinical manifestation of the disease and therapy success. HERV‐K(HML‐2) antibodies seem to have an important diagnostic value as well as indicator of chemotherapy success.