Alternative formulations of magnetospheric plasma electrodynamics

The fundamental equations of magnetospheric plasma electrodynamics are considered from a theoretical standpoint that stresses the basic equivalence of various seemingly different formal representations. The mathematical properties of vector fields are reviewed, and their implications in electrodynamics are studied. The irrotational and solenoidal parts of the electric field are associated with two physically distinct types of sources. Relativistic covariance and gauge invariance in electromagnetic theory are reviewed and discussed in the context of an approach in which the mathematical properties of vector fields are taken as primary concepts. Special attention is given to the use and interpretation of the Coulomb gauge potential functions. This choice of gauge is sometimes regarded with undue suspicion, possibly because of a certain paradox concerning causality. The paradox is discussed and resolved. Useful properties of the Coulomb gauge are identified. These need not be limited to the case of slow time variations and can extend beyond the limits of validity of ideal MHD theory.