By concepts will be meant propositions (or truth-values), attributes (or classes), and relations of all degrees. The degree of a concept will be said to be 0, 1, or n (> 1), and the concept will be said to be medadic, monadic, or n-adic, according as the concept is a proposition, an attribute, or an n-adic relation. The common procedure in systematizing logistic is to treat these successive degrees as ultimately separate categories. The partition is not rested upon properties of the thus classified elements within the formal system, but is imposed rather at the metamathematical level, through stipulations as to what combinations of signs are to be accorded or denied meaning. Each function of the formal system is restricted, thus metamathematically, to one degree for its values and to one for each of its arguments. The theory of types imports a further scheme of infinite partition, imposed by metamathematical stipulations as to the relative types of admissible arguments of the several functions and stipulations as to the types of the values of the functions relative to the types of the arguments.The elaborateness of the metamathematical grillwork which thus underlies formal logistic accounts in part for the tendency of those interested in logistic less for the matters treated than for the structures exemplified to limit their attention to the propositional calculus and the Boolean calculus of attributes (or classes), which, taken separately, are independent of the partitioning. A second reason for the algebraic appeal of these departments is their freedom from bound (apparent) variables: for use of bound variables fuses systematic considerations with notational or metamathematical ones in a way which resists ordinary formulation in terms of fixed functions and their arguments. Freedom from bound variables may be regarded, indeed, as the feature distinguishing algebra from analysis.