The Readiness for interprofessional learning scale: A possible more stable sub-scale model for the original version of RIPLS

The original version of the Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale (RIPLS) was published by Parsell and Bligh ([]). Three sub-scales with acceptable or high internal consistencies were suggested, however two publications suggested different sub-scales. An investigation into how to improve the reliability for use of the RIPLS instrument with undergraduate health-care students commenced. Content analysis on the original 19 items involving experienced health-care staff resulted in four sub-scales. These sub-scales were then used to formulate a possible model within a structural equation model. The goodness of fit was assessed using a sample (n = 308) of new first year undergraduate students from 8 different health and social care programmes. The same data was fitted to each of the two original sub-scale models suggested by Parsell and Bligh ([]) and the results compared. The fit of the new four sub-scale model appears superior to either of the original models. The new four factor model was then tested on subsequent data (n = 247) obtained from the same students at the end of their first year. The fit was seen to be even better at the end of the academic year.