Crystals of the intermetallic compound, MgZn2, were prepared and the crystal structure was determined from x-ray data furnished by Laue and rotation photographs. The crystal was found to have hexagonal axes with a=5.15A and c=8.48A. The unit cell contains four molecules. The effect of absorption in the crystal in determining the wave-length giving a maximum intensity of reflection in Laue photographs was used to confirm the dimensions of the unit cell. The atoms have the positions: Zn:u, u¯, 14; 2u¯, u¯, 14; u, 2u, 14; u¯, u, 34; 2u, u, 34; u¯, 2u¯, 34; 0, 0, 0; 0, 0, 12 Mg:13, 23, v; 13, 23, 12v; 23, 13, 12+v; 23, 13, v¯. Where u=0.830 and v=0.062. The least distance between two magnesium atoms is 3.15A, between two zinc atoms, 2.52A, and between a magnesium and a zinc atom, 3.02A.