Isgur-Wise function in a relativistic model for a qQ¯ system

We use the Dirac equation with a ``(asymptotically free) Coulomb + (Lorentz scalar) linear '' potential to estimate the light quark wavefunction for $ q\bar Q$ mesons in the limit $m_Q\to \infty$. We use these wavefunctions to calculate the Isgur-Wise function $\xi (v.v^\prime )$ for orbital and radial ground states in the phenomenologically interesting range $1\leq v.v^ \prime \leq 4$. We find a simple expression for the zero-recoil slope, $\xi^ \prime (1) =-1/2- \epsilon^2 <{r_q}^2>/3$, where $\epsilon$ is the energy eigenvalue of the light quark, which can be identified with the $\bar\Lambda $ parameter of the Heavy Quark Effective Theory. This result implies an upper bound of $-1/2$ for the slope $\xi^\prime (1)$. Also, because for a very light quark $q (q=u, d)$ the size $\sqrt {<{r_q}^2>}$ of the meson is determined mainly by the ``confining'' term in the potential $(\gamma_\circ \sigma r)$, the shape of $\xi_{u,d}(v.v^\prime )$ is seen to be mostly sensitive to the dimensionless ratio $\bar \Lambda_{u,d}^2/\sigma$. We present results for the ranges of parameters $150 MeV <\bar \Lambda_{u,d} <600 MeV$ $(\bar\Lambda_s \approx \bar\Lambda_{u,d}+100 MeV)$, $0.14 {GeV}^2 \leq \sigma \leq 0.25 {GeV}^2$ and light quark masses $m_u, m_d \approx 0, m_s=175 MeV$ and compare to existing experimental data and other theoretical estimates. Fits to the data give: ${\bar\Lambda_{u,d}}^2/\sigma =4.8\pm 1.7 $, $-\xi^\prime_{u,d}(1)=2.4\pm 0.7$ and $\vert V_{cb} \vert \sqrt {\frac {\tau_B}{1.48 ps}}=0.050\pm 0.008$ [ARGUS '93]; ${\bar\Lambda_{u,d}}^2/\sigma = 3.4\pm 1.8$, $-\xi^\prime_{u,d}(1)=1.8\pm 0.7$ and $\vert V_{cb} \vert \sqrt { \frac {\tau_B}{1.48 ps}}=0.043\pm 0.008$ [CLEO '93]; ${\bar\Lambda_{u,d}}^2/Comment: 22 pages, Latex, 4 figures (not included) available by fax or via email upon reques
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