Cerebellar infarction with obstructive hydrocephalus

The authors review 15 patients with acute cerebellar infarction accompanied by obstructive hydrocephalus. These patients were among 1700 consecutive patients with acute cerebrovascular disease who were examined by angiography and also, except for the initial 320 cases. by computerized tomography (CT) scan. The CT scans were helpful in diagnosis and management of the patients. It demonstrated cerebellar mass lesions as being low density, isodense, or high density, according to the amount of hemorrhage into the infarcted area. Such cerebellar mass lesions caused acute compression of the posterior fossa. The clinical picture was determined mainly by the extent of the initially infarcted area in the vertebrobasilar territory and the speed of enlargement of the subsequently developing cerebellar mass lesion. Suboccipital decompressive surgery was performed in 10 patients and was generally beneficial. The postoperative prognosis depended mainly on the presence or absence of coexisting brain-stem infarction. Five patients who were managed conservatively died during the acute stage. Prompt and correct diagnosis of this illness is required to ensure adequate therapy.