The More Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model

Effective Supersymmetry is presented as a theory of physics above the electroweak scale which has significant theoretical advantages over both the standard model and the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM). The theory is supersymmetric at short distances but differs significantly from the MSSM. Flavor symmetry violation is intimately related to supersymmetry breaking. There is a new physics scale $\mt\sim$~5--20 TeV which sets the mass of the first two sparticle families. Supersymmetric sources of CP violation and flavor changing neutral currents for the first two families are suppressed. Effective Supersymmetry can be implemented with automatic suppression of baryon and lepton number violation and a dynamically generated $\mu$ term, while maintaining naturalness in the Higgs sector. There are implications for new particle searches, flavor and CP violation experiments, as well as for the construction of theories of flavor and dynamical supersymmetry breaking.

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