Neutron–powder‐diffraction study has shown that, upon cooling, DyAu2 (tetragonal, isostructural to MnAu2) exhibits the onset of antiferromagnetism at TN(α) = 33.8°K and a first‐order‐like magnetic transition at TN(β) = 25.5°K . The moment alignment between TN(α) and TN(β) is represented by a static linear–transverse spin wave propagating along the a axis (the face‐centered description) and polarized in the direction of the c axis. The wavelength of this modulation wave is 1.21 times (the a spacing), being incommensurable with the chemical repetition. At TN(β) , the modulation wavelength becomes abruptly equal to the a spacing with a discontinuous increase in the rms ordered moment but without change in the moment direction. This commensurated magnetic structure persists down to 1.7°K and the saturation ordered moment is 9.2 μB . The DyAg2 structure is analogous to DyAu2 and characterized by TN(α) = 15.0°K ; the incommensurate moment wavelength, 1.17a; TN(β) = 9.5°K ; and the saturation ordered moment, 7.4 μB , being much smaller than 10.0 μB of the free Dy3+ ion. The crystallographic data at 300–5°K are also presented.