The Relation of Aerobiosis to the Fermentation of Mannitol by Staphylococci

28 cultures of Staphylococcus aureus and Staph. albus which fermented mannitol within 48 hrs. aerobically showed no change of indicator after 5 days'' incubation under vaseline seal; 2 cultures of S. aureus fermented slightly after 48 hrs. anaero-bically. Glucose, lactose, and sucrose were fermented within 48 hrs. by the 30 cultures of Staphylococcus both aerobically and under vaseline seal. The action on glycerol was essentially similar to that on mannitol. Cultures of streptococci (4 [alpha] and 2 [beta]) fermented mannitol promptly under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Staphylococci apparently cannot utilize the alcohols mannitol and glycerol as readily as the carbohydrates glucose, lactose, and sucrose to obtain substances essential for vigorous growth in an anaerobic environment.