Infective complications of aplastic anaemia

Patients with aplastic anaemia have a relatively specific immune defect—leucopenia with neutropenia. We have carried out a retrospective analysis of infective episodes in 11 patients with aplastic anaemia. 5723 follow-up days accrued and 29 infective episodes were documented. Overall the number of infective episodes was significantly associated with the mean white cell and monocyte counts (r = 0.9, 0.02<P<0.05) but not with length of follow-up, presentation values of white cell, neutrophil and monocyte counts, or mean neutrophil count. The patients appeared to divide clinically into two groups, those at low risk (seven patients) and those high risk (four patients) of infection. Patients in the high risk group had significantly more infections (P = 0.01) and significantly lower monocyte counts (0.02 <P<0.05) than patients in the low risk group. These results are in contrast to similar studies in patients with chemotherapy-induced neutropenia; in our patients the overall rate and severity of infection was low, Gram negative infections were uncommon and monocytopenia appeared to be of greater importance than neutropenia in determining susceptibility to infection.