ColE1 DNA sequences interacting in cis, essential for mitomycin-C induced lethality

Protein synthesis and survival of colicinogenic bacteria carrying different ColE1 deletion and insertion mutants, were followed in presence or absence of the inducing agent mitomycin-C. It is concluded that active colicin is not involved in the process leading to death of the induced colicinogenic cell. The region of ColE1, essential for cell induced lethality, is carried on the DNA between map positions 0.74 to 0.27. In this region the DNA sequences carried between 0.74 to 0.79 and 0.0 to 0.27 are essential, while those located between 0.79 to 0.0 are nonessential for commitment to death. A cis interaction of the ColE1 DNA sequences in the essential regions is probably necessary for cell induced lethality. Some possibilities for such a cis interaction are suggested and discussed.