Factors affecting the utilization of prenatal health care services in Jerusalem

Health service utilization patterns during pregnancy were studied among 780 women from selected neighborhoods of Jerusalem who delivered between December 1, 1985 and June 30, 1986. Factors affecting the choice of care-provider, the timing of the first contact with the prenatal care service and the frequency of visits to prenatal care centers were studied with respect to several demographic, socio-economic and needs variables. About one half of the women visited the Family Health Centers, the traditional site for delivery of prenatal care. Forty percent visited their regular doctor during pregnancy while about 30% sought private care. In all, fifty two percent of women consulted more than one source of medical care service during pregnancy. Logistic regression analysis showed that the choice of care was determined by the type of insurance, need factors and education. The timing of the first visit depended on origin, level of education and parity. The frequency of visits was related to the type of insurance and to perceived health.