University of Texas At Austin Radiocarbon Dates IX

This laboratory is now a branch of the Texas Memorial Museum of the University of Texas at Austin. This list reports C14 measurements made in projects completed between October 1969 and August 1971. A number of major projects are still in progress and are to be reported later. Age calculations are based on C14 half-life of 5568 yr and modern standard of 95% of NBS oxalic acid. Deviations reported are based on counting statistics of sample, background, and modern, and are ±1σ except that when sample count approaches either modern or background, 2σ limits are reported. Except where noted, C12/C13 measurements have not been made, and results are not corrected for C13 fractionation. The laboratory uses liquid scintillation counting of benzene, with Li2C2 and vanadium-activated catalyst in preparation; chemical yields average 88%. The counter is a Packard TriCarb Model 3002.