Extract Salmonella newington was first isolated by Rettger from ducklings in Connecticut and identified by Edwards ( 1937 Edwards, P. R. 1937. J. Hyg. Cam., 37: 384–387. [Google Scholar] ) It was subsequently isolated from chickens and turkeys in the United States by Edwards ( 1939 Edwards, P. R. 1939. Proc.7th World Poultry Congr., : 271–274. [Google Scholar] ); from the mesenteric lymph nodes of normal pigs in Uruguay (Hormaeche and Salsamendi, 1939 Hormaeche, E. and Salsamendi, R. 1939. Arch. urug. Med., 14: 375–387. [Google Scholar] ), and also in the United States (Rubin etal., 1942 Rubin, H. L. , Scherago, M. and Weaver, R. H. 1942. Amer. J. Hyg., 36: 43–47. [Google Scholar] ); from silver foxes in the United States? (Benedict et al., 1941 Benedict, R. G. , McCoy, E. and Wisnicky, W . 1941. J. infect. Dis., 69: 167–172. [Google Scholar] ); from three cases of gastro-enteritis in man in the United States and from sewage (Bornstein and Saphra, 1942 Edwards, P. R. , Bruner, D. W. and Moran, Alice B. 1948. Kentucky Agric. exp. Bull., 525: 60–60. [Google Scholar] ) ; and from imported spray-dried egg in Great Britain (Topley and Wilson, 1945 Topley, W. W. C. and Wilson, G. S. 1946. “Topley and Wilson's Principles of Bacteriology and Immunity,”, 3rd ed., 740–740. London: Arnold. [Google Scholar] ). Lindberg and Bayliss ( 1946 Lindberg, R. B. and Bayliss, M. 1946. J. infect. Dis., 79: 91–95. [Google Scholar] ) encountered the organism on three occasions among 202 Salmonella cultures isolated from military and civilian personnel throughout the islands of the Pacific Ocean, while from a study of 7,365 out-breaks of Salmonella in the United States, Edwards, Bruner, and Moran ( 1948 Edwards, P. R. , Bruner, D. W. and Moran, Alice B. 1948. Kentucky Agric. exp. Bull., 525: 60–60. [Google Scholar] ) have recorded 60 out-breaks due to S. newington. Of these, 40 occurred in turkeys. 6 in chickens, 2 in ducks, 3 in swine, 1 in rats, 8 in man, and 12 isolations were made from eggs and egg powder. In a study of 387 cultures of Salmonella isolated from man and animals, Watt and de Capito ( 1950 Watt, J. and deCapito, Thelma . 1950. Amer. J. Hyg., 51: 343–352. [Google Scholar] ) made no mention of S. newington.

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