PURE LUST. By Mary Daly. Boston: Beacon Press, 1984; pp. 473. $11.95. LANGUAGE AND THE SEXES. By Francine Frank and Frank Anshen. Albany: SUNY Press, 1983; pp. 130. $24.95; paper $7.95. ANOTHER MOTHER TONGUE. By Judy Grahn. Boston: Beacon Press, 1984; pp. 324. $9.95. WOMEN SPEAKING: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF VERBAL AND NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION 1970–1980. By Mary E. W. Jarrard and Phyllis R. Randall. New York: Garland, 1982; pp. 478. $60.00. A FEMINIST DICTIONARY. By Cheris Kramarae and Paula A. Treichler (with assistance from Ann Russo). Boston: Pandora, 1985; pp. 587. paper $15.00. GENDER AND COMMUNICATION. By Judy Cornelia Pearson. Dubuque: Wm. C. Brown, 1985; pp. 386. paper $18.56. THE NONSEXIST COMMUNICATOR. By Bobbye D. Sorrels. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice‐Hall, 1983; pp. 191. $8.95. LANGUAGE, GENDER AND SOCIETY. Edited by Barrie Thome, Cheris Kramarae, and Nancy Henley. Rowley, Mass.: Newbury House, 1983; pp. 342. paper $15.95.

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