Effect of Soil Temperature, Phosphorus, and Plant Age on Growth Analysis of Barley1

The objective of this research was to assess the influences of soil temperature, phosphorus nutrition, and stage of morphological development upon various growth parameters of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Experimental methods consisted of growing barley in a constant temperature growth room at varying soil temperatures and phosphorus levels, harvesting at specific predetermined stages of morphological development, and measuring the rates of dry matter accumulation and leaf area expansion. From these data, various parameters of growth were calculated between consecutive stages of plant development.Net assimilation rate (NAR) was increased by increased P supply, was independent of soil temperature, and was highest during the flowering period. Leaf area ratio, relative growth, leaf growth rates, and leaf area duration values were also calculated. Leaf area was a linear function of leaf length or length times width. Leaf area duration (leaf area × time) was highly correlated with dry weight over all temperatures, P levels, and stages of plant development. Consequently, any practice that increases either leaf area or the longevity of a green leaf should increase dry weights. These results offer a nondestructive means of estimating dry weights of small grains from measurements of leaf length times width (or length only).

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